OpenStack and Docker (Stackmasters’ #OSATH presentations)

If you follow the Greek OpenStack space you know that our involvement with the OpenStack community goes way back. As a matter of fact, in 2013, Stackmasters organized the very first OpenStack meetup in Greece, and we have been active promoting and evangelizing what we believe is the best open Cloud solution ever since, supporting #OSATH and organizing special events and training seminars.

With this in mind, and for the benefit of those who didn’t have the chance to attend the latest joint meeting by the Athens OpenStack User Group and the Docker Athens community, we are posting today two presentations given there by our own Thanassis Parathyras and Paris Kasidiaris from Sourcelair. The first is an introduction to the use of Docker in combination with OpenStack, and the second a hands-on tutorial about Docker deployment on OpenStack.

OpenStack and Docker (Stackmasters’ #OSATH presentations) was last modified: June 5th, 2019 by Stackmasters